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© 2015-2021 The Gongfarmer’s Almanac
Web design and support from Ruxed LLC through contributions from DCC RPG-compatible Bronx Beasts and The Inn in the Forest.
Cover Illustrator: Doug Kovacs
Title Page Illustrator: Marc Radle
Editors: Forrest Aguirre, Steven Bean, Daniel Bishop, Jon Carnes, Keith Garrett, Jason Hobbs, Tony Hogard, Michael Jones, Duncan McLastName, Jonathan Nichol, James Pozenel, Jim Skach, Tim Snider, Noah Stevens, Doyle Tavener, David VC, Laura Rose Williams, Paul Wolfe
Proofreaders: Reece Carter, Samuel Dester, Jason Hobbs, Tony Hogard,
Aaron Koelman, Ryan Moore, Jonathan Nichol, Jim Skach
Creative Vision & Direction, Layout and Graphic Design: Doug Kovacs, Harley Stroh, Jon Hershberger, Marc Bruner, Matt Hildebrand, Michael Jones