We want your submissions for the 2025 GFA!
Goodman Games’ favorite fan publication is back for another year! Submissions are now open for the Gongfarmer’s Almanac and we can't be more exciting to see the new submissions!
New classes, adventures, home rules, magic items,…

GFA 2024 is open for submissions!
UncategorizedGoodman Games' favorite fan publication is back! Submissions are now open for the Gongfarmer's Almanac and we don't have any time to waste!
With only a six months left in 2024 we are asking everyone out there to submit your content for this…

Things are moving forward
UncategorizedSorry for the length of time since the last update. I will be better. The Gonfarmer's Almanac 2021 has moved into the editing phase. So many great articles and so much awesome art have been submitted at this point. We Admins are thrilled that…

Sometimes Things Sneak Up On You
UncategorizedHello fellow Gongfarmers, due to life getting in the way of being able to update this week. The deadline snuck up and went by like a Lankhmarian thief in DCC RPG. So after a meeting of the minds, Tim, Max, and I have agreed that more time should…

Under Two Weeks to Get your “Eureka!” Moment!
UncategorizedTime is fleeting like luck in Lankhmar. You have until MAY 13 to submit writing or sign up to illustrate work for The Gongfarmer's Almanac 2021. We here at the Almanac can't wait to see what your awesome minds come up with for this year's…

Look at that!!! Only 3 weeks left to submit to this year!!!
UncategorizedFellow gongfarmers, we are 3 weeks away from the closing submissions. To date there are so many great ideas, wild patrons, and new charts to help keep DCC RPG, MCC RPG, Umerica, and the Weird Frontiers populated with some really fantastic…

GFA 2021 Open For Submissions
Salutations to our fellow Gongfarmers, friends, and patrons! We once again lay down the offerings and start the ritual to summon all of you; the amazing authors, artists, editors, proofers, and supporters that year after year help to build…

GFA 2021 – Call for Administrators
Greetings, Gongfarmers! We have survived 2020 and entered the dawn of 2021, now taking stock of what lies ahead. After much thought, Shyloh and I have decided to step back from the GFA to focus on our families and personal projects. It has…