We want your submissions for the 2025 GFA!

Goodman Games’ favorite fan publication is back for another year! Submissions are now open for the Gongfarmer’s Almanac and we can’t be more exciting to see the new submissions!

New classes, adventures, home rules, magic items, monsters, races, patrons, DJs, Luchador arm bars, magic mustaches and everything and anything else in your bag of tricks. Dungeon Crawl Classics, Mutant Crawl Classics, Xcrawl Classics, Dying Earth, Fifth Edition Fantasy or any other setting! We want it ALL!

Submissions for written content are currently open until April 30th. 

There are many ways you can help with this year’s publication and we need you. Contribute content as a writer, artist, and cartographer, or volunteer to do editing, layout, or manage a submission from start to finish. A book this good doesn’t keep happening without the continued support from the best RPG community in the business, so log in now and fill out that form!

Please email any questions or concerns to communitygfa@gmail.com. Submission guidelines can be found here: https://gongfarmersalmanac.com/guidelines/.